The Beauty of the Human Body Through the Lens of Computing
We create imaginative stories to immerse you in virtual worlds inside the human body.
Imagine being in a microscopic vessel traversing our body’s systems, organs, and cells. You can watch molecules creating the intricate machineries of life.
We build interactive explorations, self-directed adventures, and engage you in intriguing facts about how our body works, how it keeps itself alive, and how it maintains an intricate balance at so many levels of complexity.
Come join us on our voyages!

Cell Gallery
Scan this QR code to explore our 3D models.
Anatomy Gallery
Scan this QR code to explore our 3D models.

Our Transdisciplinary Team on a Mission
Led by Dr. Christian Jacob, we are a team of artists, designers, scientist, engineers, developers, producers, researchers, and educators from a wide range of disciplines. LINDSAY, a virtual human, replicates human anatomy and physiology in interactive and beautiful immersive 3D.
We are passionate about visualization, storytelling, computer science, art, design, and education. Our goal is to build LINDSAY as a digital twin to demonstrate the beauty and intricate complexities of the human body.

Explore the spark of inspiration that created LINDSAY, our team’s passion for our research, and the history of our work together.

Current Work
Discover what we are currently creating. Read recent publications and learn about the success stories of our recent students.

Upcoming & Future Work
Pushing the boundaries of interdisciplinary research is core to our work. We actively engage in finding opportunities to collaborate. Learn how you can get involved.
Our Team
Glimpses of Our Work
Cell Gallery
We are experimenting with digital, walkable gallery spaces to display the intricate features of micro- and macro-worlds in our human bodies. Above is an example, the Cell Exploration gallery, to experience a neuron cell and a generic eukaryotic cell — on display in...
Giant Interactive Cell Project
The Giant Interactive Cell (GIC) project is being developed by Mika Ong and Finn Vamosi. Dr. Christian Jacob and Owen Brierley are overseeing the direction of this research. On July 20th, the lab team presented a work-in-progress demonstration of the GIC to our...
Summer Research 2021
Adaptive agent abstractions to speed up spatial agent-based simulations
Published in Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
LINDSAY Virtual Human: Multi-scale, Agent-based, and Interactive
Published in Advances in Intelligent Modelling and Simulation: Artificial Intelligence-based Models and Techniques in Scalable Computing
Optimization of Swarm-Based Simulations
Published in ISRN Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2012
Upcoming & Future Work
Always Collaborating
With the LINDSAY Virtual Human Project every discipline is eagerly included in our work. We actively seek opportunities to collaborate within our campus, our community, and beyond.
LINDSAY’S Namesake
The LINDSAY Virtual Human project carries its name in memory of Dr. Lindsay Leigh Kimmett, who was a student of Undergraduate Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary. At the prime of her medical training, Lindsay tragically passed away in 2008.
Lindsay’s parents — Dianne and Kelly — and family have been extremely supportive and enthusiastic about teaching & learning, and education of medical doctors and researchers, in particular. It had always been Lindsay’s vision to make the world a better place.
The LINDSAY Virtual Human project, which was initiated in 2009, is dedicated to Lindsay Kimmett. We are all highly inspired by Lindsay’s passion for life, and we hope to continue her vision and her desire to make our world a better place. Through our contributions and commitment to exceptional medical education we strive to continue Lindsay’s legacy.
Would you like to get involved?
Are you interested in what we are working on, and would you like to get some more details? Would you like to see our research lab in action? Are you interested to join our team — as a student, collaborator, or sponsor? We are more than happy to hear your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. Please reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Please email Christian Jacob: cjacob at ucalgary dot ca